A while back, I wrote about how petroleum jelly is an inexpensive, useful hair product. Now Nikki at Cheapalicious takes it one step further and lists the many different beauty uses for Vaseline.
Hair color dilemma
I’m still alive, just been in a non-posting funk. And during that time, my hair has continued to grow. Back in August, I got a lovely haircut and highlights at my favorite salon. Since I spend more time inside now than I used to, the highlights make my hair look the color I think it’s …
Skin Deep
The first time I met Robin, I immediately disliked her. When I walked into our young singles Sunday school class for the first time, I thought she was one of the most beautiful women I’d ever met. She was well-dressed and seemed to really have it all together. I assumed we had nothing in common …
Banishing the Chicken Arms
It’s summer and you want to wear short sleeves, but you’re embarrassed by the bumpy, red “chicken skin” on your upper arms. This condition is called keratosis pilaris, and it’s pretty common. Both the site linked to above and the American Academy of Dermatology say there’s no real cure for it, only treatments. It sounds …
Dance Naked in the Sunshine
I won the book Granny’s Recipes, Remedies, and Helpful Hints from one of Becca’s Saturday book give-aways. The book contains all kinds of old-timey advice, remedies, recipes, and how-to’s. There’s even a section on beauty, or, as the author calls it, “Cosmetiques.” I thought it might be fun to excerpt a little of Granny’s advice …